Update Your "Love Story" to Attract your True Love

Many of my clients come to me for help in finding their ideal soulmate or improving their current relationship.

What they learn through our sessions is that we choose our intimate partners because of our current needs. As we evolve and grow, our needs can change and so can our feelings about our relationships.

Often our initial needs in a partner are to attract what is familiar (meaning from our family). We may need to heal our childhood drama, or play out our parents' relationship stories (to make it right) through uncomfortable, painful and self-sabotaging scenarios. This can often make us feel stuck if we don't recognize this and have difficulty moving on.

You can grow and learn more about yourself, and release old beliefs at any age, to attract your ideal "current" soulmate or improve your current relationship through these 5 steps as well as getting help through clairvoyant and hypnotherapy.

5 Steps to Attract or Update Your True Love Now

  1. Become familiar with your own Love Story. Are you living your parents' love story (or your mother's or father's)? Discover and release your limiting beliefs and needs from childhood through hypnotherapy -- It's amazing how your subconscious knows exactly your blocks to an ideal, adult loving relationship.

  2. Decide to be attracted to an "unfamiliar" person. Our mind always makes us see what is familiar. Once you know your old "love story" you can specifically look for unfamiliar partners. For example, if you tend to attract loud, bossy partners, specifically look for quieter, more yielding ones.

  3. Discover your karma (unfinished business from past lives) with your current relationship or a past love that is holding you back from enjoying a current one. Past Life Regression is a powerful Hypnotherapy Technique that allows you to "finish" old business so you can update and create new, healthy relationships in "present time."

  4. Understand and Avoid the 4 types of Energetic Vampire Games (Poor Me, Intimidator, Interrogator, Aloof) -- we often mistake these games for a love connection. (*please see my video link: "The Truth About Energetic Vampires")

  5. Check the temperature of your Heart. Our heart is the place of our commitment ("my heart is in this or not in this") and allows us the ability to say "yes" to new opportunities. Imagine a thermometer over your heart and make sure it's raised to100 degrees with the words, "Yes! I'm ready!" to take in new love. You'll find that it's easier to make eye contact and smile with new people; making connections easily. You'll find that when your heart's temperature is below 100 degrees, you make excuses and say "No" and "Not yet" to invitations and opportunities; we look down or act distant; staying alone and feeling stuck.

Gain insight into your love story, and update your self-esteem and vision of love and relationships through a Clairvoyant Private Reading, a Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT Hypnotherapy) Session, Past Life Regression Session with Tori (or choose a package that includes a combination or all of these techniques). All meetings are conducted on Zoom.


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